57 results for Creation Care


A Center in the Cyclone: Twenty-First Century Clergy Self-Care
This book offers advice for clergy to lead a healthier lives through spiritual growth and...
The Unbroken Circle: A Toolkit for Congregations Around Illness, End of Life, and Grief
This toolkit envisions how a comprehensive care ministry might work, helping faith communities...
Making Peace With the Land: God's Call to Reconcile with Creation
This resource urges readers to respond to the present and future challenges of sustaining life...
web resource
Catholic Rural Life
This website offers free resources for rural and small town congregations to address outreach,...
web resource
Creation Swap
This website offers media assets for congregational use including video, motion graphics,...
Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis
This resource turns towards scripture for inspiration and direction related to humanity's role...
Eskenazi Health Gender Health Program
This organization provides counseling and spiritual care services for older adolescent and...
The Color of HOPE: African American Mental Health in the Church
This book provides religious care professionals and laity with a robust awareness of mental...
Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
web resource
Pastoral Care in the Time of COVID-19
This curated list of resources helps faith leaders tend to unique circumstances such as...
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