21 results for Decision Making


The Circle Way for Communities of Faith
The Circle Way provides a process to foster open conversations and communal decision-making. ...
Decision Decks
This collection of decks of safety and security scenario cards enables leaders to...
Hayim Herring Consulting
This consulting group helps synagogues with planning, organizational renewal, decision-making,...
Empty Houses: A Pastoral Approach to Congregational Closures
Written for clergy and lay leaders who are considering closing their doors, this resource...
Pursuing God's Will Together: A Discernment Practice for Leadership Groups
This resource outlines how congregations can become a discerning community together, arguing...
The Wisdom of Group Decisions: 100 Principles and Practical Tips for Collaboration
This slim guide offers principles and accompanying tips that can easily be applied to any form...
How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going: Leading in a Liminal Season
This book coaches congregations through transition with leadership strategies and group...
Training in Black Church Administration
This video lecture explores leadership responsibilities in the Black church, outlining...
The Emotionally Healthy Leader
In The Emotionally Healthy Leader, bestselling author Peter Scazzero shows leaders how to...
Healthy Disclosure: Solving Communication Quandaries in Congregations
This book examines how to avoid miscommunication, build trust, protect confidential...
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