45 results for Discernment


When Leadership and Spiritual Direction Meet: Stories and Reflections for Congregational Life
This resource challenges leaders to cultivate a new kind of leadership --- one that relies on...
Culture Making: Recovering our Creative Calling
This resource urges Christians to stop engaging in a misguided "culture war," and instead,...
web resource
Relocation Manual for Pastors and Church Leaders
This digital manual provides rich insight and practical considerations to discern about...
web resource
Youth Theology Network
This national network helps young people explore questions about their faith, purpose in the...
Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
Written by two Harvard professors, this book addresses humanity's tendency to resist change...
Congregational Consulting Group
This organization provides guidance on many topics related to congregational finance,...
Strategic Planning in Congregations
This practical article shares the insights of six congregations who hired strategic planning...
Embracing Liminal Space
This article defines transitional liminal space and offers a high-level understanding of how...
Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations
This book of practical tools turns strategic planning into "holy conversations" guided by...
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry
This book helps congregational leaders engage in spiritual practices that help sustain...
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