43 results for Identity


Playbook for Christian Manhood: 12 Key Plays for Black Teen Boys
Using the game of football as a conceptual framework, this resource guides young male...
Reaching Out in a Networked World: Expressing Your Congregation's Heart and Soul
This book underlines the importance of a congregation's ability to communicate their values,...
The JGuy's Guide: The GPS for Jewish Teen Guys
Patterned after the Talmud, with multiple voices and opinions from the past and present, the...
Lessons On Youth Ministry In an Asian-American Context
This panel discussion has youth ministry insights from leaders in Asian-American churches.
Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel
Featuring contributions from a variety of scholars, this book focuses on ideologies in the...
Change and Conflict in Your Congregation (Even If You Hate Both)
This book frames conflict as a tool to move congregations forward if used positively. In this...
web resource
Virtual Pastor Network
This online service connects people in need with a virtual pastor who is a faith leader for...
Asian American Christian Collaborative
This ecumenical organization highlights various Asian American experiences and provides...
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution
This documentary demonstrates how mainstream hookup culture impacts relationships, sex, and...
web resource
The TikTok Pastor: A Conversation with Bethany Peerbolte
This podcast episode helps congregational leaders looking to build or explore progressive...
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