53 results for Adults


Engaging Young Adults
This data-packed report contains a summary of factors essential for improving young adult...
Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passion of Adults Over 50
This book explores how Baby Boomers reimagine life after 50 and offers guidance to minister to...
Strategies for Educating African American Adults
This engaging, challenging, and practical book equips Christians to teach, learn, and prepare...
Safe Sanctuaries: The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Older Adults
This resource provides congregations with information and strategies to protect older members...
Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD,...
This book presents a simple, flexible model for mental health inclusion ministry for...
Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline
This book offers youth ministry leaders a framework for mentoring young people who are...
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
This resource draws insights from a study of congregations and young adults to present helpful...
48 Older Adult Ministry Ideas
This article gives an extensive list of ideas for activities and projects for an older adult...
Managing Emotional Mayhem: the 5 Steps for Self-Regulation
This book can help youth ministry leaders support young people’s emotional...
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