122 results for Covid


Keeping Internal Controls in Check During a Pandemic
This on-demand webinar includes important reminders of the basics of internal controls and...
Church & State: Government Restrictions or Biblical Convictions
In this Q Ideas recorded event, Gabe Lyons facilitates a panel discussion about the...
2020 Election: Faith Leaders Call for Moral Courage
This panel encourages clergy to be community leaders beyond the 2020 election for the moral...
web resource
Spiritual First Aid
This resource hub combines faith and psychology to empower you to care for others from a...
The Nature of Adaptive Leadership
This short video describes leadership tools and strategies to address complex challenges.
Quietly Courageous: Leading the Church in a Changing World
This book calls for new leadership skills and non-linear change for congregations to navigate...
Houses Of Worship, the Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Divide
This 3-minute news story shares how pastors in Nashville, TN, are managing vaccinations and...
This go-to family ministry resource offers blogs, curricula, events, and podcasts to...
Congregations' Largest Sources of Concern and Pride
Based on responses from 15,000 congregations in 2020, this document represents what...
Guide for Christian Funerals During COVID-19
Prompted by COVID-19 health concerns, this ecumenical funeral guide shares logistical...
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