36 results for Evangelical


Replant: How a Dying Church Can Grow Again
This book tells the story of how a church was able to merge with a thriving congregation to...
book Updated
Leading Missional Change: Move Your Congregation from Resistant to Re-Energized
This book provides insight on why congregations don't want to change, how to utilize trust to...
web resource
LifeWay Christian Resources: Kids Ministry 101
This web resource, provided by the congregational resource center of the Southern Baptist...
How to Shape Your Church's Culture
This article from LifeWay provides an introduction to understanding what defines church...
Edible Idaho: God in the Garden
This brief video is a compelling introduction to the concept of congregational garden...
Christian Stewardship Network
This organization aims to connect stewardship pastors and congregational leaders through an...
Reaching Out to Singles Assessment Pack
This training pack contains eight stand-alone assessment tools designed to guide conversations...
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
This accrediting agency upholds members to high standards of financial accountability, such...
When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God
This resource uses the observations of the author to provide an up-close look at the spiritual...
web resource
National Religious Partnership for the Environment
The goal of this website is to express a united commitment to "seek justice and healing for...
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