50 results for Fundraising


Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
Kitchen Table Giving: Reimagining How Congregations Connect with their Donors
This book details how to elicit more giving by building trust.
Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Ministry
This resource clarifies the issues that make stewardship so challenging in modern times,...
This free mobile app empowers congregations to offer online giving.
Not Your Parent's Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
This book teaches leaders how to cast a vision of generosity that empowers congregations to...
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship
This organization provides congregations with resources focused on stewardship, including...
CapinCrouse, LLP
This company offers consulting on a wide range of accounting, financial, and management...
web resource
New Churches: Multiply the Mission
New Churches, brought to you by veteran church start pastor and educator Ed Stetzer and Daniel...
Stewardship for Vital Congregations
This resource connects purpose and vision with stewardship towards the goal of a thriving...
Church After COVID: 7 Predictions for How the Church Will Change by 2025
This article forecasts how online giving will take a central role in congregational life.
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