139 results for Inclusion


Beyond Hospitality
This article reflects on hospitality and the stranger through the lens of immigration,...
Special Touch Ministry, Inc.
This congregation has a wide variety of resources, including retreats, conferences, and...
web resource
Hearing Loop Technology
This webpage provides information about Hearing Loops, which allow hard of hearing individuals...
The Church and Families of Children with Special Needs
This panel discussion considers what role parishioners, lay leaders, and clergy can play to...
web resource
Different Models for Multicultural Congregations and Ministries
This web resource provides a blog written by author Ryk Van Velden who answers the question,...
10 Ways Hispanics are Redefining American Catholicism in the 21st Century
Learn about the changing demographics of the American Catholic Church and how it might impact...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
Mental Health First Aid
This practical, skills-based training teaches participants how to address mental health...
PURE Ministries
This organization provides conferences and speakers for congregations to learn about the...
Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
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