88 results for Mental Health Awareness


Indy Therapy & Counseling
This Indiana-based counseling group, led by a former worship pastor, is equipped to support...
Indiana's Black Churches Work to Combat Mental Health Crisis
This article describes the faithful and intentional journey of Black Church leaders in...
Indiana Youth Group's LGBTQ+ Competency Training
This organization revolves around building community, developing leadership qualities, and...
Gateway to Hope (GTH)
This organization educates faith leaders and communities about common mental health and...
How to Work Through the Trauma of Divorce
The article shows how divorce is often like a death, certainly a loss of hopes and dreams...
How People of Color Can Experience Grief Differently Than White People
This online article describes the fact that marginalized communities are affected by loss...
Hope Made Strong
This organization is dedicated to equipping leaders with the mental health resources needed...
person person
Holland, Dwight ,MA
Dwight Howard is a psychotherapist who works collaboratively with congregations and other...
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Campbell, Kobe
Kobe Campbell is an award-winning licensed trauma therapist, Christian counselor, writer,...
web resource
Brother You're on My Mind Toolkit
This toolkit provides Omega Psi Phi Fraternity chapters and partners with the materials...
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