129 results for Practice


ReFocus Ministry
This organization helps faith communities foster intergenerational discipleship, providing...
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership
This short book provides a framework for Christian leadership from its temptations to...
web resource
Spiritual & Communal Responses to COVID-19
This Facebook group is a forum where multi-faith clergy can share COVID-19 practices and...
web resource
Pray As You Go
This daily prayer website offers calming 10-minute recorded prayers that heighten your...
web resource
On Being
This website is associated with On Being, the weekly radio podcast, hosted by Yale Divinity...
Liturgy Training Publications
This organization offers publications that support active participation in the Sunday...
Prayer of Examen
These poignant guided meditations by Fuller Studio facilitate the calming experience of...
Like Stepping Into A Canoe: Nimbleness and the Transition into Ministry
This book provides guidance and healthy practices to navigate ministry transitions. Written...
Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders
This book will help churches attain future financial stability and offers a process for...
The Power of Ritual: Turning Everyday Activities into Soulful Practices
This book explores how we can nourish our souls by transforming common, everyday...
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