73 results for Racial Justice


Becoming A Justice Seeking Congregation: Responding to God's Justice Initiative
This book approaches social justice work with a balance of idealism and realism.
The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches
Drawing from the author's experience leading a multi-racial church, this book looks at the...
The Racial Equity Torch
The Racial Equity Torch magazine contains stories of multicultural ministries in ethnically...
web resource
Letter from Birmingham Jail
This historic letter from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. discusses nonviolent protest,...
Resources for a Church that Wants to Fight for Black Lives
This guide helps congregations educate themselves about systemic racism and move toward racial...
web resource
Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
This organization sheds light on America's legacy of slavery, racial violence, and mass...
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America
This book explores James Baldwin's life and writings while offering tangible applications for...
Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness, and Justice
This book explains racial reconciliation and practical steps for predominantly white...
For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies
This article offers practical steps to support people of color and racial justice.
Asian American Christian Collaborative
This ecumenical organization highlights various Asian American experiences and provides...
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