237 results for Spirituality


AEHS Study Day with Stanley Hauerwas: Preaching Without Apology
This video is a lecture about preaching as a vocation and as an act central to worship. ...
web resource
Spirituality, Neuroplasticity and Personal Growth
This web resource, by Christian psychiatrist and author Curt Thompson, provides a YouTube...
The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community
This resource offers a compelling vision for how synagogues can become vibrant spiritual...
Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
This resource sheds light on the rich rewards of a life that is filled with failure, arguing...
Critical Minds and Discerning Hearts: A Spirituality of Multicultural Teaching
Written by a professor of ministry and pastoral theology, this resource argues that providing...
A Spirituality of Fundraising Workbook Edition
This workbook provides instruction and space for reflection on the "why” and...
web resource
Disabilities, Religion, and Spirituality Program
This web resource by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in Nashville, Tennessee provides...
National Alliance on Mental Illness Faith Support Groups
This organization features descriptions of eight spirituality/faith-related support groups...
web resource
Virtual Pastor Network
This online service connects people in need with a virtual pastor who is a faith leader for...
web resource
Making Space Podcast
This podcast explores how physical spaces (especially congregational spaces) form and shape...
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