456 results for Resources


web resource
Worship Design Studio
This website offers creative ideas and resources to turn worship into an integrated and...
Caring for Wellbeing of Older Adults during COVID-19
This list provides ideas for coordinating care and connection for senior adults during...
Energize, Inc.
This comprehensive website provides information to manage volunteers and programs through...
This organization provides coaching and assessments to help leaders plant new churches.
Bringing Our Pain to God: biblical lament in worship
This article describes biblical lament in real congregations and explores how Christians can...
web resource
Visitations and Funerals
This go-to site for loss and grief during COVID provides re-imagined rituals, practical...
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness
This organization provides resources for increasing awareness and understanding of mental...
Lake Institute on Faith & Giving
This institute offers a unique program of customized training for faith-based organizations,...
Leadership Education at Duke Divinity
This organization provides a variety of educational resources and services to Christian...
National Coalition for the Homeless
This organization does research and provides resources for those who are homeless and for...
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