1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
Empathy and Anti Racism
This interview shares life experiences of a Sikh man and how to find shared humanity,...
Jubilee Singers: Sacrifice and Glory
This PBS documentary explores how former slaves contributed to American culture while...
Lifelong Faith: Formation for All Ages and Generations
This practical guide invigorates discipleship by helping faith leaders develop goals,...
Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network
This organization is a non-profit ministry organization offering support, development, and...
Church Governance: Exploring a variety of models for elder-minister relationships and leadership...
This report from the Siburt Institute for Church Ministry provides seven brief case studies...
The Faith and Mental Wellness Podcast with Brittney Moses
This podcast, hosted by Brittney Moses, explores how faith and mental wellness intersect.
Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places and Things in the Digital Age
This book by Jay Kim argues that physical spaces are still relevant and important for...
web resource
Taking on the "Perfect Storm": Faith-based Organizations and Partnerships Address COVID-19...
This 60 minute recording of a panel of faith-based leaders addresses the importance of and...
Why Am I? (YMI) Faith and Mental Health
This website called YMI (which stands for Why Am I?) is a platform for Christian young...
Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser
Written by a Zen Buddhist priest and meditation teacher, this book seeks to explain the...
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