456 results for Resources


Blessed Earth: Serving God, Saving the Planet
This organization provides educational resources to equip and inspire congregations in the...
This organization provides conferences, trainings, and assessments to help nonprofit board...
Network of Biblical Storytellers International (NBS)
This organization offers online resources and a conference to bring together storytelling...
Youth Specialties
With 50+ years of youth ministry experience, this organization hosts the annual National Youth...
web resource
Precepts for Living Digital
This mobile-friendly website helps individuals and groups study the Bible in depth, anywhere...
web resource
This website, provided by Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, gives a preview of the best...
This organization gives church planters resources to address the organizational,...
web resource
Asiamerica Ministries
The mission of the Episcopal denomination’ s Asiamerica Ministries is to strengthen...
Radical Hospitality: Responding to the issue of Immigration
This Mennonite curriculum provides a 6 to 13-week Bible study about immigration.
Sanctuary: A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This guide explains the immigration Sanctuary Movement and how congregations can support...
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