343 results for Leaders


Worship Security Academy
This organization supports congregational leaders in learning how to keep their operations,...
11 Step Church Security Checklist To Keep Your Church Safe
This article helps congregations examine an existing security plan or create a new plan....
The Faith and Mental Wellness Podcast with Brittney Moses
This podcast, hosted by Brittney Moses, explores how faith and mental wellness intersect.
web resource
Ministry Spark
This website provides resources for ministry leaders to stay relevant and impactful. Many...
This nonprofit organization specializes in supporting small and mid-sized congregations by...
Full Strength Network
This organization provides tools and resources for the mental health and well-being of...
Gateway to Hope (GTH)
This organization educates faith leaders and communities about common mental health and...
Indiana's Black Churches Work to Combat Mental Health Crisis
This article describes the faithful and intentional journey of Black Church leaders in...
Hope Made Strong
This organization is dedicated to equipping leaders with the mental health resources needed...
person person
Holland, Dwight ,MA
Dwight Howard is a psychotherapist who works collaboratively with congregations and other...
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