357 results for Religion In America


The Future of the African American Church: An Invitation to Dialogue
Two distinct perspectives, one from a seminary professor and one from a youth pastor, offer...
The Millennials: Connecting to America's Largest Generation
Written from an evangelical perspective, this book outlines the results of a large-scale...
When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God
This resource uses the observations of the author to provide an up-close look at the spiritual...
Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a...
This resource serves as an entry into interfaith conversation, using interfaith reflection as...
When One Religion Isn't Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People
This book describes “ religious multiplicity” - the reality of a person being...
Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective
BEAM provides emotional health care, resources, and healing for Black communities.
2020 Election: Faith Leaders Call for Moral Courage
This panel encourages clergy to be community leaders beyond the 2020 election for the moral...
Megachurch 2020: The Changing Reality in America's Largest Churches
Megachurches set positive precedents in many important areas of faith development and their...
Fast Facts for the Faith Community Nurse: Implementing FCN/Parish Nursing in a Nutshell
This resource provides quick access to content and tools for designing programs on diverse...
The Witness of the Church and a Critical Presidential Election
In this panel discussion, faith leaders discuss human flourishing in America and the...
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