28 results for Awareness


Pathways to Promise
This organization promotes faith-based ministries for people with mental illnesses and...
Defeating the Demons: The Prevention of Clergy Sexual Abuse
This article presents a proactive stance on clergy sexual abuse and suggests four categories...
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
This organization offers free mental health courses, support programs, and resources for...
Welcoming People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families: A Practical Guide for...
This short booklet contains helpful information and practical strategies to aid congregations...
Interfaith Network on Mental Illness
This organization provides resources for increasing awareness and understanding of mental...
We Dare Not Fall: Dealing with the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct
This article helps male clergy understand and identify the risks of clergy sexual misconduct...
web resource
Pray As You Go
This daily prayer website offers calming 10-minute recorded prayers that heighten your...
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