68 results for Network


web resource
Virtual Pastor Network
This online service connects people in need with a virtual pastor who is a faith leader for...
SOLA Network Podcast
This Asian American church podcast provides insight and inspiration for a thriving...
Full Strength Network
This organization provides tools and resources for the mental health and well-being of...
Mosaix Global Network
This organization provides resources and membership for congregations interested in...
Network of Biblical Storytellers International (NBS)
This organization offers online resources and a conference to bring together storytelling...
Church HR Network
This organization offers comprehensive HR services and training programs for faith-based...
Clergy Coaching Network
This organization offers coaching, courses, and other resources for leaders in church...
organization Updated
Christian Church Leadership (CCL) Network
This organization offers opportunities to grow the leadership base of your congregation....
The UU Small Group Ministry Network
This organization provides information and resources for small group ministry such as an...
A Network Of Black Farmers And Black Churches Delivers Fresh Food From Soil To Sanctuary
This article shares how Black churches improve food accessibility and community health by...
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