44 results for Online Worship


web resource
This YouTube channel offers videos to help train and equip your congregation for effective...
web resource
Visitations and Funerals
This go-to site for loss and grief during COVID provides re-imagined rituals, practical...
web resource
Helping Your Church Respond to the Coronavirus
This United Methodist resource page offers a variety of information and trainings to help...
Ministering During COVID-19: Creative Ideas for Small Rural Congregations
This article lists doable, creative ideas from small rural congregations for how to do...
Virtual Shabbat Box
Ideal for congregants at home or at a distance, these video and audio clips engage the senses...
Principles for Online Ritual Design
This practical guide helps congregants create their own sacred spaces and rituals from home...
Guidance for the New Normal
This blog post summarizes good reopening practices from multiple sources for returning to...
Prayer of Examen
These poignant guided meditations by Fuller Studio facilitate the calming experience of...
4 VBS Strategies for This Summer
This booklet offers strategies to adjust your summer programming due to COVID-19.
7 Shifts Churches Need to Make Because of the Coronavirus
This article encourages intentional leadership shifts to remain vital during COVID-19.
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