174 results for Practices


Principles for Online Ritual Design
This practical guide helps congregants create their own sacred spaces and rituals from home...
web resource
How Should Leaders Respond to a Pandemic?
These thoughtful articles explore how congregations can respond during a pandemic and remain...
You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit
This resource invites readers to align their faith and beliefs with their behaviors.
Beyond the Offering Plate: A Holistic Approach to Stewardship
This collection of essays explores themes of stewardship through various lenses using...
The Way of Discernment, Participant's Guide (Companions in Christ)
This study guide engages small groups in a 10-week consideration of discernment, helping...
Apprentice Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation
This organization offers resources such as a conference, blog posts, and a curriculum focused...
Becoming a Blessed Church: Forming a Church of Spiritual Purpose, Presence, and Power
This book demonstrates what can happen when a congregation seeks God's purpose, presence, and...
Institute for Jewish Spirituality
This organization provides practice-based learning cohorts, retreats, and leadership training...
Momfulness: Mothering with Mindfulness, Compassion and Grace
Through story and reflection, this resource invites moms to cherish their child-raising years...
Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us
This book examines the four practices that shape community experience, and details situations...
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