50 results for Programs


The Oikos Institute for Social Impact
This Chicago-based organization is focused on helping congregations — especially...
organization Updated
This organization believes that those who volunteer for causes important to them also more...
web resource
Physical Security Performance Goals for Faith-Based Communities | CISA
This guide introduces foundational benchmarks for implementing simple cost-effective...
A Whosoever Church
This book for LGBTQ-affirming Black churches addresses the institutional prejudice LGBTQ...
The Church Multiplication Training Center
This organization provides training programs for existing congregations to refocus their...
Horizons Stewardship Company
Center for Courage & Renewal
This organization offers programs for clergy and other religious leaders to integrate who they...
Level Best: How Small and Grassroots Nonprofits Can Tackle Evaluation and Talk Results
This resource makes it easy for congregations to measure the effectiveness of particular...
Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities: A Guide for Service Providers, Families...
This resource helps support congregations in their quest towards becoming places of welcome...
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and Their Families
This how-to guide offers tips and tools for integrating special needs children and youth into...
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