27 results for Small Congregation


Born of Water, Born of Spirit: Supporting the Ministry of the Baptized in Small Congregations
This resource reveals the potential for collaborative ministry within small congregations and...
Five Strategic Advantages of Small Churches
This article identifies and details five strengths of smaller congregations while providing...
The Strategically Small Church: Intimate, Nimble, Authentic, and Effective
This resource argues that the most effective small church is one that sees and appreciates its...
Shepherding the Small Church: A Leadership Guide for the Majority of Today's Churches
This book presents the meaning of church vitality in a new light, and begins a conversation...
A Small N.C. Church Reaches Out in Big Ways
This resource uses the example of a small church in North Carolina to model ways a small...
Life on the Edge: A Small Church Redefines Its Mission
This article dispels negative myths about the small church's future.
Small, Strong Congregations: Creating Strengths and Health for Your Congregation
This book shares insight into why and how small congregations can be strong and viable.
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