69 results for Small Group


web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
Guide to Gathering Virtually
This downloadable guide helps faith leaders co-create, facilitate, and host meaningful...
This organization provides online resources, group discussions, and courses that focus on the...
Developing A Digital Discipleship Pathway
This article helps congregations include digital elements in programming that supports...
Books Lay Out Guiding Principles for Small Groups in Parishes
This article highlights statistics on Catholics who have left their faith and provides...
LifeKeys Discovery Workbook: Discover Who You Are
This workbook is filled with exercises and reflection questions to help readers discover their...
Megachurch 2020: The Changing Reality in America's Largest Churches
Megachurches set positive precedents in many important areas of faith development and their...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
web resource
The Work Of The People
This media library provides artistic visuals and creative short films that declare scriptural...
web resource
Four Ways Churches Break Attendance Barriers
This web resource details four ways congregations can experience an increase in worship...
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