53 results for Studies


book Updated
Redefining HR: Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance
This book can help congregational leaders understand modern human resources (HR)...
web resource
FaithLands Toolkit: A Guide to Transformative Land Use
This online guide explains how congregations can prioritize land and spiritual justice by...
Black Congregations are Developing Housing on Church Land
This article helps congregations interested in responding to the housing crisis through...
web resource
Rethinking Worship Space and the Emerging "Phygital" Culture
This article helps congregations evaluate the integration of their physical and digital...
Don't Ignore Use Of Space When Planning For A Church's Environmental Sustainability
This article helps a congregation incorporate building usage into its environmental...
Visiting Online Church: A Journey Exploring Effective Digital Christian Community
This book helps congregational leaders discover new ways to effectively reach people online...
EP 292 | DK Hammonds and the State of the African American Church
This video podcast explores how the digital church is reshaping worship, community, and...
web resource
Mitigating Attacks On Houses Of Worship Security Guide
This online resource is a comprehensive security guide that provides a detailed look into...
article Updated
How the Church Can Serve Society by Changing the Way it Handles Property
This article shares a conversation between Duke University's Faith and Leadership...
web resource
Stewardship Ministry
Offering a variety of studies, interactive lessons, and content for worship, the Lutheran...
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