42 results for Discernment


Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World
This book offers an educational model to teach leadership through case-in-point learning,...
Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power
This thoughtful book reframes power as something that can be used as a tool for grace and...
The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World
This thought-provoking book on leadership offers readers with tools they can use to become...
When Leadership and Spiritual Direction Meet: Stories and Reflections for Congregational Life
This resource challenges leaders to cultivate a new kind of leadership --- one that relies on...
Becoming a Blessed Church: Forming a Church of Spiritual Purpose, Presence, and Power
This book demonstrates what can happen when a congregation seeks God's purpose, presence, and...
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Divided into three sections, this book will help congregations discover their assets ---...
How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going: Leading in a Liminal Season
This book coaches congregations through transition with leadership strategies and group...
Church Innovations Institute
This organization provides consulting focused on questions of church culture. Their...
Leadership and Listening: Spiritual Foundations for Church Governance
This concise book presents a research-based analysis of the relationship between the processes...
web resource
Church Merger Outline
This web resource, by Pastoral Care, Inc., an ecumenical organization dedicated to providing...
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