106 results for Giving


Rich Church, Poor Church: Keys to Effective Financial Ministry
This resource clarifies the issues that make stewardship so challenging in modern times,...
Not Your Parent's Offering Plate: A New Vision for Financial Stewardship
This book teaches leaders how to cast a vision of generosity that empowers congregations to...
Increasing Wholeness: Jewish Wisdom and Guided Meditations to Strengthen and Calm Body, Heart,...
This book draws on Jewish wisdom and psychology to help readers achieve inner wholeness.
The Worship Sourcebook
This resource includes well written texts and commentaries about particular sections of...
Caring Ministry: A Contemplative Approach to Pastoral Care
This resource presents a reflective approach to caring ministry, which stems from the author's...
This consulting group helps churches with fundraising and effective ministry.
web resource
Close to Home Pastoral Care Pamphlets
These 12-page pamphlets about "close to home" issues help individuals acknowledge hard...
web resource
8 Top Church App Providers
This article reviews mobile apps by rating their ease of use, explaining features, and listing...
This software can help congregations find and connect with donors. A product of Kindsight,...
Hope for the Heart
Founded by June Hunt, Hope for the Heart is a biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling...
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