115 results for Research


Research Strategies for Congregations: Tools for Understanding the People in Your Church and...
This article explores a variety of research-based strategies to help congregations gain a...
web resource
Pew Research on Millennials
This website offers statistics and information about millennials in a collection of...
Using the Resources of the Web to Research a Congregation
This article offers tips and tools to help a congregation better understand the needs of...
Spiritual Abuse Recovery: Dynamic Research on Finding a Place of Wholeness
This comprehensive guide looks at spiritual abuse by clergy and lay leaders through a lens of...
Commentary: The Digital Stairway to Heaven, Black Churches and the Pandemic
This article can help congregational leaders understand research on the impact of COVID-19...
web resource
Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations
This website shares timely data about U.S. congregations and how they are impacted by...
The Other Philadelphia Story: How Local Congregations Support Quality of Life in Urban America
Based on multi-faith research, this book highlights the value congregations add to their...
National Coalition for the Homeless
This organization does research and provides resources for those who are homeless and for...
Voices of Young People Podcast
Produced by Springtide Research Institute, these podcasts listen directly to young people as...
web resource
Relational Authority: The State of Religion and Young People 2020
This short, accessible e-book shares implications of research based on 13- to 25-year-olds and...
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