43 results for Volunteer


Faith Teams
This software offers people management, communications via text and email, online giving,...
Failing at Assimilation and Finding Abundance
This article shares the personal experience of an Asian American woman as a volunteer in an...
5 Words Media
This organization helps congregations throughout the United States design or upgrade their...
web resource Updated
Toolkit For Churches Accompanying People Seeking Asylum
Presented by the Presbyterian Church (USA), this toolkit provides a thorough resource guide...
Ministry Architects
5 Smart Ways to Recruit Tech Volunteers
This article suggests strategies to find new volunteers and to make volunteering part of the...
Your Volunteers: From Come and See to Come and Serve
This practical guide explains how to sustain a thriving volunteer corps by establishing a...
The Inner City Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)
This organization partners with inner-city churches to develop new disciples while addressing...
Everyone's Called to Youth Ministry…They Just Don't Know it Yet
This resource offers practical suggestions to engage volunteers for youth ministry.
365 Ideas for Recruiting, Retaining, Motivating and Rewarding Your Volunteers: A Complete Guide...
This resource shows how to properly recruit, retain, and motivate volunteers, and covers...
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