53 results for Adults


Young Adult: Taking a Coalition Approach to Young Adult Ministry
This brief article provides rationale and models for imaginative and fruitful engagement with...
Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties
This resource presents a picture of emerging adult life, looking at the five common markers...
iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for...
This book focuses on young adults born from the mid-1990s on. It explores technology’s...
web resource
Quaker Aging Resources: Providing Spirit-Centered Resources and Information
Developed by The New York and Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of Friends (Quakers), this website...
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution
This documentary demonstrates how mainstream hookup culture impacts relationships, sex, and...
web resource
White Homework
This website provides resources for anyone starting to learn about systemic racism and...
4 Low-Cost Summer Program Ideas for Families
This article details creative activity ideas for children, teens, young adults, families, and...
This company can help congregations create and maintain a sensory room. Experia believes...
QPR Institute
This organization offers suicide prevention training to individuals and congregations. QPR...
One Warm Coat
This organization can help congregations provide coats to people in need while promoting...
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