125 results for Building Issues


Sharing God's House
This concise article provides a helpful guide for congregations considering sharing space with...
web resource
Space Together
This portal connects congregations who have extra space or need space. The site provides...
web resource
Blessed Tomorrow
This website offers resources to equip leaders to engage their communities for meaningful...
Everybody Belongs, Serving Together: Inclusive Church Ministry with People with Disabilities
This resource serves as a primer for volunteers, staff, and congregants on the inclusion of...
Synagogue Inclusion Inventory & Focus Group Guidelines
This 11-page document gives leaders a process to assess their facility and conduct group...
Chasing Sacred Air: A Common Sense Guide to Energy Efficiency in Sacred Buildings
This resource helps congregations take the first steps towards becoming more energy efficient...
web resource
Church Facility Management Solutions
This Facebook group of facility managers provides peer conversation and resources from Smart...
web resource
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
This video interview can help congregations understand why planning for the future use of...
The Aspen Group: Church Design Builder
This architecture firm helps congregations discover, envision, and design space for...
Managing Church Facility Use
Published as a part of the Church Tax and Law Ministy of Christianity Today, this helpful...
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