37 results for Counseling


web resource
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Awareness and Prevention
Baylor University’ s website offers individuals and congregations several resources...
Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
Davidson Centre for the Professions – The Clergy Program
This program for clergy offers a weeklong residential retreat that takes a holistic...
Maintain Mental Health During the Holidays
This NAMI article offers simple strategies to stay mentally healthy during the COVID-19...
Full Strength Network
This organization provides tools and resources for the mental health and well-being of...
person person
Danae Rodriguez, MS, LMHCA
Danae Rodriguez is an Indianapolis-based Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate who...
Horizon University
Horizon University is an accredited post-secondary institution that will partner with the...
Essential Guide to Youth Ministry Safety
This resource addresses a range of topics to help youth ministers navigate issues of safety,...
Mental Health America of Indiana
This organization curates mental health resources specifically for those in Indiana,...
The Body Keeps the Score
This psychology-based book shares the prevalence of trauma, how it impacts the brain and the...
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