76 results for Religion


Project on Religion & Urban Culture and Public Teaching Project: Resources
This video project provides data on topics congregations often face in their communities.
web resource
State of Religion & Young People 2021: Navigating Uncertainty
Springtide's annual report is a critical resource to understand how young people think about...
Witnessing and Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights
This book explores the unsung roles of women in the Civil Rights movement.
What Should Post-Pandemic Religion Look Like?
This e-book outlines 10 insights religious leaders need to consider to survive and thrive in...
What do American Christians believe about their Religion
This podcast reports on the belief of American Christians who participated in progressive...
web resource
Disabilities, Religion, and Spirituality Program
This web resource by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center in Nashville, Tennessee provides...
book Updated
When One Religion Isn't Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People
This book describes “ religious multiplicity” - the reality of a person being...
web resource
U.S. Religion During COVID-19
This page provides data and research findings from Faith Communities Today to help...
Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America
This grace-filled book calls White Christians to recognize that well-intentioned actions...
"The Ethnic Church" in Changing Faiths: Latinos and the Transformation of American Religion
This article identifies three distinct ethnic characteristics of congregations frequented by...
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