239 results for Spirituality


The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
The Easiest Person to Fool
This podcast episode from Hidden Brain explores how culture celebrates uncertainty. Then it...
Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
This collection of prayers and liturgical texts offers resources for a truly common prayer...
Real Kids Real Faith: Practices for Nurturing Children's Spiritual Lives
This user-friendly resource sets to inform, inspire, and guide parents, covering a range of...
Something More
This visually-engaging report highlights 10 innovative faith communities to spark...
Vital Congregations
This study of leaders across ten faith traditions defines spiritual vitality, reveals which...
web resource
Quaker Aging Resources: Providing Spirit-Centered Resources and Information
Developed by The New York and Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of Friends (Quakers), this website...
The Soul of the Congregation: An Invitation to Congregational Reflection
This resource calls on readers to analyze the soul of their congregation --- what makes up...
Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life
This resource unpacks the meaning of the phrase "spiritual but not religious," providing a...
The God Problem: Expressing Faith and Being Reasonable
Written by a sociology professor at Princeton University, this resource uses material from...
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