343 results for Leaders


web resource
How Technology Has Transformed Detroit's Black Churches: Adapting Post-Pandemic
This 20-minute video can give congregational leaders perspectives on how congregations are...
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership: Seeking God in the Crucible of Ministry
This book helps congregational leaders engage in spiritual practices that help sustain...
Why UI/UX Matter for Your Church Website
This article emphasizes the value of websites as an outreach tool for congregations. Author...
The Future of Giving: Trends Shaping Next-Gen Philanthropy
This article helps congregational leaders understand how to connect with the values of...
book Updated
The Coming Revolution in Church Economics: Why Tithes and Offerings Are No Longer Enough, and...
This book can help congregational leaders identify new ways to finance their...
The Essential HR Handbook
This book helps congregational leaders understand the basics of human resources. Authors...
Lessons On Youth Ministry In an Asian-American Context
This panel discussion has youth ministry insights from leaders in Asian-American churches.
Entrusted: A Guide to Intentional Church Facility Stewardship
This book helps congregational leaders develop a holistic approach to caring for their...
web resource
The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
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