538 results for Resource


Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
This resource sheds light on the rich rewards of a life that is filled with failure, arguing...
Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad...
This resource offers tools for holding others accountable using a three-part model that...
Transition Plan: 7 Secrets Every Leader Needs to Know
This resource provides an honest approach to clergy leadership transitions, and how...
Shaped by the Story: Discover the Art of Bible Storying
This resource presents a new method of oral storytelling to connect teens with the Bible,...
Will Our Children Have Faith?
This resource provides an insightful and useful critique of Christian education, arguing that...
Strategies for Educating African American Children
This resource combines knowledge of the African American Sunday School tradition with insights...
Helping Our Children Grow in Faith: How the Church Can Nurture the Spiritual Development of Kids
This resource discusses the six principles needed to help children develop a three-dimensional...
Take Me Home: Notes on the Church Year for Children
Addressed for Catholic children, this resource contains richly illustrated entries featuring a...
Praying in Color, Kids' Edition
In a voice addressed to children, this resource introduces a form of purposeful doodling that...
The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School: Transformational Techniques for Reaching and Teaching...
This resource offers practical tools and approaches that will help any children's ministry...
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