652 results for Leadership


We Dare Not Fall: Dealing with the Peril of Clergy Sexual Misconduct
This article helps male clergy understand and identify the risks of clergy sexual misconduct...
Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities and Churches
This research-based book examines the differences between "mission true" organizations that...
web resource
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Awareness and Prevention
Baylor University’ s website offers individuals and congregations several resources...
Fallen Pastor: Finding Restoration in a Broken World
Written by a former Southern Baptist pastor who was removed from his congregation after...
Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry
This resource walks readers through a 30-day boot camp in order to secure youth volunteers.
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
Facilitation at a Glance: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation
This practical book teaches facilitation for anyone interested in coordinating group work or...
Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings: 24 Steps to Generate Meaningful Results
This resource will increase the effectiveness of your congregation by providing a guide to...
The Emotional Intelligence of Jesus: Relational Smarts for Religious Leaders
This resource uses the Bible, brain science, and psychology to depict the uses of emotional...
The Circle Way for Communities of Faith
The Circle Way provides a process to foster open conversations and communal decision-making. ...
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