652 results for Leadership


Dream Teams: Working Together Without Falling Apart
This book describes collaborative and successful teamwork with examples and good practices. ...
The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church's Response
This resource uses the voice of Tamar from 2 Samuel 13 as the grounding force to challenge...
The Quick and Simple Congregational Asset-Mapping Experience
This article introduces asset mapping as a strategy that can have an immediate and powerful...
The Church has a Role to Play in Implementing COVID Vaccine
This article explores biblical reasons to support the COVID-19 vaccine with actionable steps...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
20 Tips to Use Google Search Efficiently
This article provides powerful tips to solve and troubleshoot technical problems by using...
Managing Your Church's Communication During Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This article helps congregations create effective and concise messages during an evolving...
Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving without Full-Time Clergy
This book explores how to run effective ministries with lay leaders and a half- or...
web resource
Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT)
This survey is designed to be used during times of change, periods of new development, and...
Deep & Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend
This book argues that congregations should focus on designing their church for the unchurched,...
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