660 results for Leadership


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Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps
This resource shares unconventional wisdom about spirituality and human behavior, looking...
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
This organization provides mental health resources to support people with addiction and mental...
10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation
This light-hearted TedTalk is an important reminder of the skills required to have a...
The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life...
This book analyzes four personality types as they relate to why individuals act and why they...
Mission: Possible
This board game empowers teams to tackle problems by generating creative solutions, drawing on...
How To Talk With Sick, Dying and Grieving People: When there are No Magic Words to Say
This resource provides insights and stories to help pastoral caregivers and clergy walk wisely...
Leading Congregations and Nonprofits in a Connected World: Platforms, People and Purpose
This book proposes a different conceptual framework based on understanding social networks for...
Faithful and Fractured: Responding to the Clergy Health Crisis
This book presents the findings of Duke's Clergy Health Initiative, which studied the...
How to Care for the Elderly Without Putting them at Risk of Coronavirus
In this article, the chief medical officer at AARP offers advice for common COVID-19 questions...
Guide for Christian Funerals During COVID-19
Prompted by COVID-19 health concerns, this ecumenical funeral guide shares logistical...
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