107 results for Culture


Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians
This book outlines six postures that will spark a shift from consumer Christianity to a...
web resource
35 by Her Thirty-Fifth: Affirmations and Strategies for Women
This article offers personal and professional affirmations for women to lead.
Culture Making: Recovering our Creative Calling
This resource urges Christians to stop engaging in a misguided "culture war," and instead,...
How to Shape Your Church's Culture
This article from LifeWay provides an introduction to understanding what defines church...
Why Changing Your Church's Culture Rarely Works Out
This article reveals the pitfalls and errors that can be made when considering culture change...
web resource
Rethinking Worship Space and the Emerging "Phygital" Culture
This article helps congregations evaluate the integration of their physical and digital...
Creating a Congregational Culture of Validation
This article reveals how validation fosters flourishing congregations and lists three ways...
Book Review: "The Vanishing Neighbor - The Transformation of American Community Culture" by Marc...
This article looks at the loss of neighborliness and offers analysis to support the missional...
God's EPIC Adventure: Changing Our Culture by the Story We Live and Tell
This book provides a thoughtful and thorough guide to the narrative thread that connects...
Project on Religion & Urban Culture and Public Teaching Project: Resources
This video project provides data on topics congregations often face in their communities.
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