46 results for Curriculum


Telling God's Story: The Biblical Narrative from Beginning to End
Based on a curriculum developed by veteran college teachers, this resource explores the Bible...
web resource
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Awareness and Prevention
Baylor University’ s website offers individuals and congregations several resources...
Where All Can Safely Live: A Guide to Understanding Bullying in our Communities, How to Talk...
This four-session curriculum is designed for teenagers and adults, equipping participants with...
web resource
ChristLife: Catholic Ministry for Evangelization
The ChristLife website provides a curriculum for evangelism training, seeking to equip and...
web resource
Seeking Shalom: How Reimagining Charity Can Transform Lives and Restore Communities
This 6-session, web-based curriculum brings together biblical scholars, community leaders,...
Radical Hospitality: Responding to the issue of Immigration
This Mennonite curriculum provides a 6 to 13-week Bible study about immigration.
web resource
Small Group Ministries
Based on the "Purpose Driven Life” philosophy of Saddleback Church, Small Group...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
The Youth Cartel
This organization supports adults who minister to youth by providing youth ministry...
web resource
This web resource is a vast library of resources for small group ministry that is organized...
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