63 results for Ed Young


iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Happy and Completely Unprepared for...
This book focuses on young adults born from the mid-1990s on. It explores technology’ s...
web resource
Relationships Unfiltered. Interviews and full length video presentations featuring Andrew Root.
Relational youth ministry at its most authentic is not a means of influencing young people. It...
Christ in Youth (CIY)
This organization is focused on the discipleship and development of young people. The...
5 Core Principles of Peer Support
This short video provides a brief overview to set up and run peer groups for children and...
web resource
Holy Post
This web resource produces podcasts, articles, and videos that help congregations explore...
web resource
Youth Theology Network
This national network helps young people explore questions about their faith, purpose in the...
Church + Home: The Proven Formula for Building Lifelong Faith
This resource presents a home-centered faith formation approach as a way to establish lifelong...
21 Dias para estar cerca de Dios (21 Days to Be Closer to God)
This book can help youth ministry leaders engage young people in their Christian faith....
4 Low-Cost Summer Program Ideas for Families
This article details creative activity ideas for children, teens, young adults, families, and...
Springtide Research Institute
This research organization focuses on religion and young people ages 13-25 to provide ministry...
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