77 results for Pastors


Interim Ministry: Positive Change in Times of Transition
This resource offers a comprehensive review of interim ministry, and includes strategies and...
Predicadores: Hispanic Preaching and Immigrant Identity
This book explores how immigration and culture shape the theology and congregational life of...
Pastor's Anniversary: Cultural Resources
This article highlights Black pastoral leadership with historical traditions and ideas to...
web resource
Pastor Appreciation During Coronavirus
This membership website has sample letters and templates to honor pastors during COVID-19. ...
8 Ways to Show Appreciation
This podcast gives ideas to celebrate your pastor during Pastor Appreciation month.
Worship in Times of Crisis and Trauma
This panel discussion provides insight to manage disasters and traumas in the congregation and...
Candler in Conversation: What do I say to my white congregation?
In this video panel white pastors discuss how to preach and lead white congregations in a time...
God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles
This book models how to start necessary conversations about race, encourage unity, and foster...
web resource
RightNow Media
This digital discipleship hub offers small group curriculum and materials.
Church Administration: Building Success Through Collective Organization
This manual for day-to-day operations is a step-by-step roadmap for organizing staff and...
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