75 results for Social Justice


An African American and Latinx History of the United States
This book tells America's history through the African American and Latinx lenses, exposing...
Failing at Assimilation and Finding Abundance
This article shares the personal experience of an Asian American woman as a volunteer in an...
web resource
Groundswell, a project of Auburn Theological Seminary, is an online community that provides...
Sanctuary: A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This guide explains the immigration Sanctuary Movement and how congregations can support...
Holy Currency Exchange: 101 Stories, Songs, Actions, and Visions of Missional and Sustainable...
This book provides strategies on the stewardship of the six holy currencies: money, time and...
Church Leader's Guide to Immigration
This practical article is formatted around a series of questions and answers for church...
Christian Community Development Association
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
Racial Justice and the Catholic Church
This informative book analyzes the Roman Catholic Church's response to racism in America,...
The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming our Communities Through...
This book discusses and instructs in the intentional application of mindfulness techniques...
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