42 results for Discernment


Another Way: Living and Leading Change on Purpose
This book provides a creative framework to discern purpose and plan a path forward. Its...
Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work: Expanded and Updated
This book describes the range of mergers for strong, stable, stuck, and struggling...
Projects That Matter: Successful Planning and Evaluation for Religious Organizations
This book describes a six-step process for designing and implementing a project evaluation,...
The Circle Way for Communities of Faith
The Circle Way provides a process to foster open conversations and communal decision-making. ...
Calling Clergy: A Spiritual and Practical Guide Through the Search Process
This book provides spiritual and practical processes to search for a new clergy, offering...
The Soul of the Congregation: An Invitation to Congregational Reflection
This resource calls on readers to analyze the soul of their congregation --- what makes up...
Facilitation Skills for Ministry
This resource combines the knowledge and expertise of the three authors to form a...
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