49 results for Missional


Missional Marketing
This Christian advertising, marketing, and SEO agency helps congregations stay relevant in the...
Memories, Hopes, and Conversations: Appreciative Inquiry, Missional Engagement, and...
This resource details the impact of Appreciative Inquiry and how to create congregational...
The Post-Black & Post-White Church: Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World
This book examines how to combine the theories behind multi-ethnic and missional church...
The Center for Parish Development
This organization provides resources and consulting to help congregations expand their...
web resource
AI for Churches
This website can help congregational leaders understand the applications and ethics of...
The Ultimate Guide to Using TikTok for Churches
Is your congregation interested in engaging younger users through social media? If so,...
Lifelong Faith Journal
The Life Long Faith Journal is an online free magazine available in PDF format that covers a...
Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good
This book pushes the theological conversation about calling and work to a new level, focusing...
Transform Network
This missional network provides workshops, a national gathering, and online resources focused...
The Mission Table: Renewing Congregation and Community
This resource intertwines personal story and biblical insight with tools for leadership...
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