652 results for Leadership


Who Should be at the Table?
This article highlight the various stakeholders who should be included in the decision-making...
An Early Warning System for Your Team's Stress Level
This article lists practical ways to help your team recognize and manage unhealthy stress.
Atomic Habits: An Easy Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
This book provides a framework to make small changes that add up to big impact over time.
8 Disruptive Church Trends that Will Rule 2021
Thought leader Cary Nieuwhof describes how congregational life will change with technology and...
Navigating Pastoral Transitions: A Parish Leader's Guide
This book completes a three-part series on navigating pastoral transitions. This specific...
Houses Of Worship, the Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Divide
This 3-minute news story shares how pastors in Nashville, TN, are managing vaccinations and...
Lessons from a Year of Ministry during COVID-19
In this article pastors share hybrid ministry practices they’ ll continue post-pandemic....
Ministry Architects
Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary
This organization offers a variety of programs for congregational leaders, including renewal...
Hold Onto Hope: Stories of Black Women's Fertility, Faith, and Fight to Become Mothers
This book is full of stories of women dealing with infertility, especially women of color. The...
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