538 results for Resource


Staying in Bounds: Straight Talk on Boundaries for Effective Ministry
This resource offers tools and practical applications for ministry to embrace healthy...
The Graceful Exit: A Pastor's Journey from Good-bye to Hello
Using scripture, stories from other clergy, and the author's own story, this resource helps...
Can I Ask That?: 8 Hard Questions About God & Faith
Part of the Sticky Faith curriculum produced by Fuller Youth Institute, this resource provides...
When Leadership and Spiritual Direction Meet: Stories and Reflections for Congregational Life
This resource challenges leaders to cultivate a new kind of leadership --- one that relies on...
Telling God's Story: The Biblical Narrative from Beginning to End
Based on a curriculum developed by veteran college teachers, this resource explores the Bible...
Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in Everyday Life
This resource unpacks the meaning of the phrase "spiritual but not religious," providing a...
web resource
Chapter 3: Assessing Community Needs and Resources
This web resource helps answer questions about how to better engage your congregation with the...
Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry
This resource walks readers through a 30-day boot camp in order to secure youth volunteers.
web resource
Catholics Come Home
This website provides resources for parishes or diocesan groups concerned with outreach to...
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
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