538 results for Resource


web resource
Enter the Bible
This web resource offers free study help curated by the professors at Luther Theological...
Plan and Conduct Effective Meetings: 24 Steps to Generate Meaningful Results
This resource will increase the effectiveness of your congregation by providing a guide to...
A Precious Fountain: Music in the Worship of an African American Catholic Community
This resource uses the lens of worship music to explore the culture of a Black Catholic parish...
The Emotional Intelligence of Jesus: Relational Smarts for Religious Leaders
This resource uses the Bible, brain science, and psychology to depict the uses of emotional...
Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation Between Artists, Theologians, and the Church
Written by an artist and seminary professor, this resource bridges the divide between the two...
Arts Ministry: Nurturing the Creative Life of God's People
This resource offers a history of the arts in Christianity and shows readers how to establish...
Building a New Church: A Process Manual for Pastors and Lay Leaders
This resource covers a range of broad to specific topics relating to the building or...
The Circle Way: A Leader in Every Chair
This resource provides the history and basics of The Circle Way, a structure of conversation...
web resource
Creating a Hospice Ministry for Churches
This web resource can help church leaders design a death process for a church that is both...
A Liturgy for the Closing of a Church
This resource contains a church closing liturgy that fits around the structure of a Sunday...
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